Toddler I

Small happy boy at Toddlers 1 class, at Mt. Elizabeth Academy, Daycare, preschool, Kennesaw Christian school, private school

Toddler I

M-F 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Ages 1yr-2yrs
Students must be walking.

Welcome to Mt. Elizabeth Academy’s Toddler I program, where we cultivate a nurturing environment that encourages the “I can do it!” mindset in your toddlers. As a cornerstone of Kennesaw daycare centers, our affordable Christian childcare sets the standard for excellence, focusing on Christian early childhood education and providing the best toddler care in Kennesaw.

In the Toddler I class, we embark on a journey of holistic development, fostering a sense of independence and understanding of the world around them. Our comprehensive curriculum covers essential aspects such as Songs & Sign Language, Oral Language, Reading, Motor Skills, Sensory Skills, Socialization, and Independence.

Structured routines in the Toddler I Classroom create predictability, offering a secure foundation for your toddler’s daily experiences. Through meaningful, developmentally appropriate learning, toddlers are nurtured and comforted, engaging in activities that enhance their cognitive, social, and physical growth.

Toddler I class focuses on:

Songs & Sign Language

Oral Language


Motor Skills

Sensory Skills



Toddler I Highlights

Colors, letters, numbers, and shapes become vibrant elements of the learning landscape, enriching your child’s curricular experience. Our learning approach combines child-directed and teacher-initiated opportunities, guiding exploration of new themes, skills, routines, and language. Spanish lessons and songs add a multicultural dimension to their educational journey.

Highlights of the Toddler I program include the development of gross and fine motor skills, encouraging independence in daily tasks, and fostering effective communication through sign language. Circle Time sessions, enriched with sign language, provide a platform for interaction and socialization among toddlers, promoting peer learning and cooperation.

Our dedicated teachers, caring and committed, create a safe and loving environment where thematic curriculum focus provides toddlers with myriad opportunities to explore, absorb information, and grow both physically and mentally.

Parents stay connected throughout the day via our secure Brightwheel App, receiving pictures, videos, and messages from teachers. This real-time engagement assures parents that their toddlers are thriving in a loving, caring, and supportive environment.

As part of our commitment to your child’s well-being, two healthy and nutritious meals, along with two snacks, are included in the cost of tuition. Our monthly menu, available online and provided at the beginning of the month, ensures transparency and allows toddlers to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and snacks with their class, all served in a toddler-friendly manner. Whole milk and water complement the mealtime experience.

Choose Mt. Elizabeth Academy for a Toddler I program that goes beyond childcare—an environment where faith, learning, and love converge to shape the foundation for a lifetime of growth and happiness.

The Toddler I Room

Step into our inviting learning spaces at Mt. Elizabeth Academy, thoughtfully designed for your toddler’s exploration and growth. Our rooms boast toddler-sized tables and chairs, creating an atmosphere that encourages interactive learning. Cozy pillows beckon in book corners, and shelves are adorned with carefully selected toddler toys and engaging sensory activities.

To personalize the experience, each child is assigned their own cubby for personal items and a naptime cot furnished with a sheet, ensuring comfort and a sense of ownership. As parents play an integral role in their child’s routine, providing sippy cups, diapers, wipes, and extra clothes ensures a seamless and familiar experience.

Our rooms are not merely spaces; they are dynamic hubs of learning. Tailored reading, math, science & sensory, and pretend play learning centers cater specifically to toddlers, fostering a holistic educational experience. Each classroom conveniently connects to our outside courtyard, offering easy access to our beautiful outdoor space.

At Mt. Elizabeth Academy, we believe in creating an environment where your toddler can thrive, explore, and learn. Join us in building a foundation for a lifetime of growth and happiness.

A Typical Day

at Mt. Elizabeth Academy for Toddler I Students

  • The First Hour:

    The children are welcomed as they arrive and are given the opportunity to choose activities at the various learning centers. This self-directed play invites the children to explore, discover and learn independently with a wide variety of activities and materials. The learning centers include painting, playdough, blocks, puzzles, drawing, water or sand play, dress-up, dramatic areas, books, floor toys and more.

  • Breakfast Time:

    Children wash their hands and join their friends for breakfast. The teachers serve a nutritious breakfast to all the children. Healthy food choices are given to the children such as fruit, vegetables, cereals. (peanut free). The children enjoy milk and water. We do not serve juice.

  • Circle Time:

    Following a clean-up routine, the children meet on the carpet for Circle Time. A variety of activities are included which reflect the monthly routines. The activities include stories, songs, puppetry, poems, movement, art, crafts discussions and many other ideas to facilitate learning. Circle time concentrates on 5 areas of development: Language, Literacy, Fine & Gross Motor, Sensory & Science, and Cognitive Learning.

  • Outdoor / Indoor Playtime:

    If the weather allows, the children have an active, outdoor play session in our park-like playgrounds. In case of inclement weather, the teachers incorporate gross-motor play through movement activities in our gymnasium, such as dancing, marching, parachute play and more active games.

  • Lunch / Nap Time / Afternoon Snack:

    Catered lunch is delivered to the classrooms. The teachers then serve the meal family style. During this time the teachers stay next to the children and observe encourage their eating habits. Once lunch is finished, the children have their own individual cot on which they rest. Clean cot sheets and blankets are provided. After the children have rested and wake up, each child is given a healthy snack to start their afternoon.

  • Outdoor / Indoor Play & Story Time:

    After snack time, the children have gross motor play time. The teachers take time to read stories, do finger plays, puppets and have interactive sessions with the children. During this time, children also engage in indoor out outdoor play, depending on the weather.

  • Fine Arts:

    The children enjoy Music, Art, Drama, PE & Yoga throughout the week, not only in their homerooms but during their “Specials Class” in the afternoon.

  • Extras:

    In addition to this daily schedule, the teachers incorporate special activities like Bible Class, Chapel Class, Spanish, field trips to our nature trail, and Show and Tell. Parents are always invited to volunteer and participate in the classrooms as well as join us on field trips to our onsite nature trail.

Mt. Elizabeth Benefits

We are a Christian, faith-based private school. Specials included with tuition: